Krenek Lectures Online Selection of Ernst Krenek's music theory lectures available online for the first time as a digital edition
‘Music and Cultural Mobility in the 20th Century. Ernst Krenek, Arnold Schönberg, and their contemporaries’ International Symposium from 21 to 23 May 2025 at the Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna
‘Composer Gladys Nordenstrom Krenek. Her life and work with focus on selected vocal pieces’ First master thesis on Gladys Nordenstrom Krenek by Sara Stevanovic
Experience Krenek when and where? Our calendar of events keeps you informed! Help us to make our event archive with Krenek performances as complete as possible!
Ballads Forever on 23 November 2024 at Salon Krenek with works by Ernst Krenek, Robert J. Crow, Philipp Manuel Gutmann, Peter Barcaba, Leopold Brauneiss, Hubert Pöll and Wolfram Wagner
Assistenz der Geschäftsleitung & Office Management (m/w/d) gesucht im Ausmaß von 30 Wochenstunden, befristet auf ein Jahr mit Option auf Entfristung
Happy Birthday, Arnold Schönberg! September 13 marks the 150th anniversary of Arnold Schönberg's birth
Every „ping“ needs a „pong“! Sound workshop „PING-PONG“ at the Kinder.Kunst.Fest on October 26, 2024, at the Kapitelsaal at Minoritenplatz in Krems-Stein