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3500 Krems an der Donau

Tel. (+43)-(0)2732 - 71 570
Fax. (+43)-(0)2732 – 71 570 - 20

Data privacy statement

The protection and safety of your personal data is a major concern to us. Therefore, this website processes data only under relevant legal provisions (GDPR, Telecommunications Act). By using our website, you agree with the processing of data in accordance with the declaration.

How to contact us

If you contact us via email, the data you provide will be saved for six months for the purpose of processing your inquiry and for possible follow-up questions. We do not pass on these data.


This website uses cookies. These are small files that are stored with the help of your browser in your terminal device.

Cookies are used to make the site more user-friendly. A few cookies remain stored on your device until you delete them. They allow us to recognise your browser again upon your next visit.

If you do not agree, please change your browser settings. You will be informed about the insertion of cookies and can give your consent in individual cases.

Deactivating cookies can limit the functionality of the website.

Web analysis

This website uses functions from MATOMO, a web analysis service provider and open-source statistical analysis software.

For this purpose, cookies are set to enable the analysis of the website. The information generated is transferred to the server of the provider and is stored there. You can prevent this by setting your browser so that no cookies are stored. An appropriate contract has been agreed with the provider regarding the processing of data. Your IP address is recorded but pseudonymised promptly. This will enable only approximate localisation.

The data processing is performed under the legal provision of § 96 (3) TKG and Article 6 (1) lit. a (consent) and/or f (legitimate interest) of the GDPR. Our concern with regards to the GDPR (legitimate interest) is the improvement of our offer and our website. Since we consider the privacy of our users to be very important, user data are pseudonymised.

The user data are stored for one (1) year.

You can prevent storage of cookies through the appropriate setting of your browser. Please note that the functionality of the website may be affected by this.


You have the option to register for our newsletter, either by using the form or via email to For this, we will need your email address, your name and your agreement to receive our newsletter.

You can cancel the newsletter subscription at any time. Please send your cancellation via email to, use the unsubscribe link in the newsletter, or alternatively use the following unsubscribe form. We will promptly delete your data in connection with the newsletter distribution.
The dispatch (of the newsletter) is carried out by the service provider MailJet (MailJet SAS, 13-13 bis, rue de l'Aubrac - 75012 Paris, France) , which guarantees compliance with data protection provisions:

The newsletters contain a file that is retrieved during opening at the server of CleverReach. During this process, technical information, the time of access and the IP address are recorded. These data are used for the improvement of the newsletter service and for the analysis of the target group behaviour.

Social media and social plugins

The Ernst-Krenek-Institut-Privatstiftung operates Facebook and Instagram accounts that can be accessed through the links on the website. A connection to the social media accounts is only established through clicking these buttons. When visiting these accounts, the local data protection provisions apply. The Ernst-Krenek-Institut-Privatstiftung has no influence on the volume of data recorded and stored by social media providers. In case of questions, please contact the providers directly.

Social plugins are not used.

Inclusion of third-party services / contents

Third-party services are used, e.g. to integrate videos or audio files.

For this purpose providers need the IP address of website visitors, as otherwise they cannot deliver the contents to the terminal devices. In addition, it is possible that third-party providers insert cookies on the terminal devices, e.g. to allow the continuation of a partially viewed video in its storage position. The cookies may contain technical information about the browser, the operating system, website links and visiting times.

We use the following services:

Youtube: Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 940343, USA (Data protection declaration:

Soundcloud: SoundCloud Limited, Rheinsberger Str. 76/77, 10115 Berlin, Germany (Data protection declaration:

SSL encryption

This website uses the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) standard for the encryption of its data. Data will be scrambled appropriately to prevent reconstruction by third parties and to ensure confidentiality of your data.

Your rights

You are entitled to the right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data transferability, revocation and objection. If you believe that the processing of your data violates your data protection right or that your data protection-related rights have been violated in some other way, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority. In Austria, this is the Data Protection Authority.

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