Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation

Campus Krems, Block L
Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30
3500 Krems/Donau

T + 43-(0)2732-71 570
F + 43-(0)2732-71 570-20 

Please contact us in advance.

Media owners and are made available by the Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation

Legal form: Private Foundation, commercial register number: FN244789i

Register court: LG Krems an der Donau
Regulatory authority: BH Krems

The Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation is a non-profit foundation with the goal of ensuring the presence of the artistic legacy of Ernst Krenek in current musical and cultural life as well as its inclusion in scholarly research and discussion. Among the current tasks are the active promotion of his works in the international music scene, the archiving, processing, documentation of, and providing accessibility to his legacy, as well as the counseling of interested parties from scholarly and artistic fields of activity.

Philosophy: The online presence of the Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation serves as a medium for the promotion and support of the foundation’s goals.

Legal provisions: Private Foundation Act (PSG)


The Private Foundation was established by Ernst Krenek’s widow, Gladys Nordenstrom Krenek. The Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation has been the legal successor of the estate of Ernst Krenek since 2016.

Board of directors

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nils Grosch, Chairman of the Board
Mag. Friedrich Faulhammer, Deputy Chairman
Dr. Sara Beimdieke
Mag. Anna Maria Pammer
Dipl.-Ing. DDr. Manfred Reichl
Philipp Weitz, BSc

Editorial Staff

Mag. Hannah Kvarda

Web development, content strategy, technical implementation and hosting

Acolono GmbH - Drupal Agentur aus Wien



Photo credits & Copyrights

Title photo of Ernst Krenek on the homepage: Klaus Barisch
Photos of the premises of the Ernst-Krenek-Institute: Markus Pillhofer
Photos of the team and staff members: Walter Skokanitsch

All other pictures, in particular those of Ernst Krenek, are the property of the Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation, unless otherwise specified. Any form of use requires the prior consent of the Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation.


All texts, images, videos, and audio files provided on this website are subject to copyright laws and are, insofar as this is legally admissible, protected by copyright. Usage and reproduction for private and non-commercial purposes is permitted. Any other form of usage requires prior consent.

Externe links

This website contains links to external websites. We assume no liability for them in spite of rigorous checking for infringements of rights at the time of the linking. The respective website operators are responsible for the contents. Should illicit content become known, we will remove it from our site immediately.

Funding bodies

The Ernst-Krenek-Institute-Private Foundation and the Ernst Krenek Forum Betriebsges.m.b.H. are provided with financial support from the Federal Chancellery of Austria and from the State of Lower Austria.

For music education projects, project-based support is provided by ÖAD (Österreichischer Austauschdienst).

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