The archive contains a large part of the estate of Ernst Krenek and offers profound insights into the life and work of the composer. The collection contains not only 25,000 pages of music autography, literary and music-theory writings but also more than 40,000 letters from prominent correspondents such as Theodor W. Adorno, Oscar Kokoschka, Igor Stravinsky, Ronald Reagan and Helmut Zilk. Furthermore, an extensive documentation on literature on Ernst Krenek, recordings of his compositions as well as a performance and press archive are provided.
- Publications by Ernst Krenek
- Publications on Ernst Krenek
- Literary autographs
- Correspondence (focus on 1937-1991)
- Ernst Krenek private library
Musical scores
- Music autographs
- Ernst Krenek musical scores library
- Editions of Krenek’s works
Audio and video archive
- Recordings of Krenek’s works
- Ernst Krenek AV media collection
Picture library
- Photos
- Aquarelles
Life documents
Personal items and instruments
Opening hours
Monday-Friday 10.00 – 13.00 and by appointment
The archive is available free of charge to all interested. The collection is partly accessible as a reference library and partly it can be found in the magazine. Please register your visit either by telephone or by email and tell us about your interests and which materials you would like to view.
No lending service is available.
Catalog of the library of Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
Search engine of Österreichischer Bibliothekenverbund
Krenek-collection at Wienbibliothek
Catalog of manuscripts and estates