Happy Birthday, Arnold Schönberg!


September 13 marks the 150th anniversary of Arnold Schönberg's birth. Schönberg and Krenek had been in contact since the 1920s.

In his memoirs, Krenek recalls an earlier personal encounter:

We also paid a visit to Schönberg in Mödling. I had been there for the first time the year before. It had then been quite a job to penetrate into the presence of the great man, as he was very suspicious of unknown visitors. When it had occurred to my mind that I might profit from a conversation with Schönberg, a lot of telephoning had to be done through middlemen, members of his inner circle and bodyguard. When I finally was admitted, I found him alone in his studio in a modest suburban apartment, and he was obviously trying to make it a short visit, claiming that he had a terrible toothache. I was however not so easily to be disposed of and made a remark to the effect that I thought of Schubert as a composer more highly than of Beethoven. This might not have been exactly my opinion, but it was consistent enough with my line of thinking in order to serve as a challenge, and it worked so. Schönberg soon forgot his toothache and tried to demolish my judgment […]. We had a discussion of about two hours. Without remembering any more details of it, I gained of Schönberg the impression that he had a quite extraordinary mind which would constantly emanate highly stimulating and frequently startling matter of thought, but that he also was considerably opinionated and rigid in his manner of thinking […].

Ernst Krenek, Memoires

In exile in the USA, a friendly relationship developed between the two composers, which even led to Arnold Schönberg asking Ernst Krenek to be the godfather of Schönberg's son Ronald in May 1950.

Further information about the photo in the Image Archive of Arnold Schönberg Center

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