The story of Krenek's "String Quartet No. 3" from Donaueschingen to New York


This spring the dissertation "The Movement of a Musical Work. Ernst Krenek's Op. 20 in the Interwar Years" by the Swedish historian Johan Larsen Lindal was published by Mediehistorskt arkiv, Lund in the series "Linköping Studies in Arts and Science". 

In his work, Lindal sheds light on the mobility of work concepts using the specific example of Krenek's third string quartet and explores its traces from the work's genesis to its arrival in the USA. 

To provide an insight into his research, Johan Larsen Lindal has written a feature article, which can be accessed via the following link: The Story of Krenek’s Opus 20 from Donaueschingen to New York

Title: The Movement of a Musical Work. Ernst Krenek’s Op. 20 in the Interwar Years
Author: Johan Larsen Lindal
Publisher/Place/Year: Föreningen Mediehistorskt arkiv, Lund, 2024
ISBN: 978-91-985802-4-2




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