Séquence k
The Canadian sound artist, composer and curator, France Jobin, immerses herself in the electronic soundscapes of Ernst Krenek’s Buchla synthesizer. During her residency in Krems she draws inspiration from atonal works and compositions determined by elements of chance (aleatoric) of the composer. She will draw parallels between atonal-aleatoric principles and the modular sound synthesis in a new composition.
For many years, France Jobin has focused on the sounds that surround us every day, collecting and ‘recycling’ field recordings and presenting them in a whole new light. Her audio art, described as ‘sound sculptures’, is distinguished by its minimalist approach to sound environments at the intersection of analog and digital.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
at 6 p.m.
Ernst Krenek Forum
Minoritenplatz 4
3500 Krems
Free admission!
In cooperation with AIR – ARTIST IN RESIDENCE Niederösterreich and Klangraum Krems Minoritenkirche.