Look! Playing with noise and sound
How do sound waves look, when wandering from the sound source to the ear? Join our sound experiments and be amazed by the beautiful patterns drawn by sound waves, when we change the pitch. We will also play with sounds and noise: How does a laundry rack sound, when it is amplified? Or a set of nice metal objects, when levitating? Create a band with us with the most extraordinary sounds and let the playing run wild!
With music educator Veronika Großberger and sound artist Gammon
for children from 7-12 years of age
max. 18 participants for each workshop
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Workshop 1 from 11 to 12 a.m.
Workshop 2 from 3 to 4 p.m.
Salon Krenek
Minoritenplatz 4
3500 Krems/Stein
More information (German only)