Every „ping“ needs a „pong“!

Music education

Many, many table tennis balls in a room bounce, roll, twirl and come to rest. This creates many different sounds. First the participants will listen, then they will play. In this workshop, the children become sound researchers - a wide variety of sounds and noises are elicited from the ping-pong ball. 

With Veronika Großberger and Katharina Wallaberger
For children from 10 years

Date: Saturday, October 26, 2024
Starting at 11 a.m., 12 p.m., 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., workshop duration: ca. 35 minutes

Location: Kapitelsaal, Minoritenplatz 4, A-3500 Krems-Stein

The workshop takes place as part of the Kinder.Kunst.Fest. 
The Kinder.Kunst.Fest is an initiative of the Kunstmeile Krems to bring children closer to creative processes.

More information and detailed program

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