Reminder: Huidiri - Yodeling workshop with Hartwig Herman at the Salon Krenek on 30 June and 29 September 2023
„My encounters with Ernst Krenek“ by Frater Gregor Baumhof He gave his letters by Ernst Krenek to the archive of the Ernst-Krenek-Institute when he visited Krems in May 2023
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble Workshop mit Gammon und Veronika Großberger am 18. November 2022 im Salon Krenek
Children.Art.Festival: Workshop “listen, feel, see” Explore music with all senses with music educator Veronika Großberger – for children from five years of age at the Kinder.Kunst.Fest of the Kunstmeile Krems
Moment! Music - Time for music by Ernst Krenek Our new online music eductaion feature by Veronika Großberger